Mi tienda:


viernes, 25 de noviembre de 2011

jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2011


por fin, consegui terminar los percheros, modifique la idea original de Vanessa, agregando un porta-vaso para colocar flores ...
Pueden usarse como porta - llaves o bien como porta - collares ... de cualquiero forma quedan lindos adornando la pared ...
muchisimas gracias por tan exelente idea Vanessa Maurer
Visiten su blog

miércoles, 23 de noviembre de 2011


The handmade community, and promote the importance of buying handmade goods, we asked artists, designers and shop keepers to provide us with  reasons why one should buy handmade.

1. help contribute to establishing a new economic model

2. w/ the exception of postage cost - contribute to decrease in fossil fuel erosion
(purchasing mass produced products generally come overseas - barging it all over, production costs etc, sweatshops, fair labour et al.)

3. this new wave of craftspeople are using recycled materials. this is CRUCIAL. there is too much stuff in the world already.

4. purchase from artisans/craftspeople who ENJOY creating their wares. the object holds that positive energy and it spreads.

5. support the artisan directly. the artisan needs more support for their vocation - more than most.

6. support local community. thus building.

7. buying from craftspeople is a conscious decision. people need to be more conscious of spending of where their hard-earned money is going, changing hands etc. this contributes to the bigger picture

8. My favorite reason to buy handmade is just that - it's handmade, which means quality, and a whole lot of love!

Another reason:

9. I buy handmade because someone else is using their talents to create gifts and decor that I myself cannot make. Buy handmade today
10. Because handmade = made with love, care, and thought

11. Handmade products are more than just a product. There is love, creativity and uniqueness. And that shows
12. Love. You give gifts with love. When you buy handmade you can be sure that your gift is also made with love. You can think of love as a fairy dust that has been sprinkled over your gift throughout the making and gift giving process. And that fairy dust will make your loved one feel so much better than formaldehyde residue.

13. When you give a handmade gift it's more like writing a letter to someone than giving them a newspaper gift-certificate.

14. Human rights & ecological aspects. Buy handmade and you support a true artist. You can be sure that human rights are respected in the making of your gift. Handmade gifts are for many reasons often more ecological than mass produced: indie artists are superb recyclers (and we mustn't forget upcycling, upcycled gifts are a big hit this year!) and of course handmade in most cases outlasts mass produced.

15. Price vs. value. If you buy your best friend a handmade journal instead of a mass produced one and spend twice the money, it'll be worth every penny. Treasures are handmade with love and thought, not mass produced
16. When something is handmade, very likely the craft person is deliberate and mindful about that next right stitch, next right bead, next just right rusty object that looks more like a dog nose on a found object sculpture than the last rusty treasure they picked up. Handmade products always feel more personal to me. I think about who might have been the artisan and wonder at how they managed to produce the item of the moment I am most smitten with and can't live without (no doubt, that rusty dog sculpture). I love knowing I'm supporting someone's passion. And even though I buy from handmade artisan's in states and countries I've never visited, I feel a sense of community when receiving an item that travels from their hand to mine. I like that I know who to contact to say "it's here! I love it!" - one person to another
17. Giving handmade is truly the essence of gift-giving. When you give a friend or loved one a gift, you are really saying "I care about you." A handmade gift conveys so much more than something pulled off the end-cap display of a mega store. Of course there are the obvious economic benefits of supporting independent makers and artists, but buying and giving handmade is, at heart, a loving act.
18. You are supporting local artisans and craftspeople and not large big box stores.

19. It guarantees that no one will give the same gift as you!

20. The items are much more fashion forward....there is no "wait-time" for large businesses to design and then mass-produce. One indie designer can list something *today* that he/she made *today.* (So it wasn't designed and planned last Christmas...for this Christmas)

21. Many items are much more environmentally friendly since there is no use of large manufacturing machines, chemicals, labor (some of it probably illegal) and waste. Many Annie and Olive items (for instance) are made from sustainable wool felt that has been naturally dyed, a needle, thread and my two hands.

22. It's fun to see the creativity and excellence of the very, very talented designers out there. It harkens back to the days of old when craftsmanship, creativity and quality were paramount - You are buying items not mass-produced and impersonal but are very personal not only to the buyer, but to the maker.

MORE REASON YOU CAN READ HERE  :  http://poppytalks101reasonstobuyhandmade.blogspot.com/

martes, 22 de noviembre de 2011

Lindos estojos ...

em teçidos florais a jogo para levar as coisas do dia a dia, em dois tamanhos. 
O pequeno  leva un diferencial, aba em teçido "composé".
Os dois enfeitados com um boton de madeira junto com um laço em cetim ...
O fecho bem simples:  velcro ... Pode ser um óptimo presente de Natal 2011  !!!

XÔ !!!!

...para  ajudar a espantar as coisas que não são boas para gente ...

sábado, 19 de noviembre de 2011

viernes, 11 de noviembre de 2011


Hoy es un día más para agradecer estar Feliz ... por lo tanto, preparé una comida especial, llena de amor, paz y esperanza para mi familia hermosa !!!
crepas rellenas de carne molida con verduras y de atún guisado con aceitunas y jitomate,bañadas en salsa bechamel, acompañado de ensalada de rúcula, lechuga y jitomate italiano .... una delicia !!!
Y para finalizar  ... Pastel de manzana verde ... VIDA SENCILLA !!!!!!!

martes, 8 de noviembre de 2011


Cada dia que pasa doy gracias a DIOS por tener la habilidad de trabajar con mis manos y poder crear cosas con ellas, además de encontrar un gran placer en ello mantengo mi mente ocupada en cosas sanas, lo más importante es tener siempre motivos para vivir ...VIVIR EN SANIDAD, CON PAZ Y MUCHO AMOR ...!!!!
Está es la segunda vela que hice, de manera empírica, basado en revistas y en artículos de internet, no fué difícil, más confieso que tiene sus "cositas" ... me ayudo mucho los conocimientos que tengo gracias a mi profesión (dentista-odontopediatra) pues ya manejaba el modelar en cera ... una delicia el poder dar forma, aroma, color a éste material tan noble.
Al fin me gusto el resultado final ... Ahhh !!! el aroma es de lavanda, me gusta su delicaleza ...

lunes, 7 de noviembre de 2011


 PAP de uma cesta muito linda:

PRIMEIRO PASSO : Cortar 2 círculos de 44 cm de diâmetro e 1 círculo de 34 cm  de diâmetro

SEGUNDO PASSO : Unir um círculo de 44cm com o círculo de 34 cm ( verificar o gráfico ). As linhas de costura tem que ficar como o desenho.

Desta maneira ficam as costuras externas:

TERCEIRO PASSO: Verificando o gráfico unir o terceiro círculo de 44 cm com o outro de 44cm ( ficará oposto ao círculo menor ). Assim ficam as costuras internas:

O acabamento foi  feito por minha mãe, com crochê em linha vermelha, assim enfeita muito melhor a cesta.

Desenho  das costuras e  como fazer a união  da cesta:

Espero que o PAP esteja claro ... rsrrs ... eu tentei fazer o melhor, agora espero que vocês mostrem para mim  suas cestas.
Obrigada pela visita !!!

viernes, 4 de noviembre de 2011


Um presente muito bom para Natal :  VELAS ARTESANAIS !!!  Feitas com aromas diversos ( maçã verde, alfazema, canela, jasmin, etc. ) assim como mistura de cores, tudo vai de acordo ao gosto de cada um.
Mais  importante é  ter uma luz sempre acesa em nosso lar ....

 Bom final de semana !!!

martes, 1 de noviembre de 2011


Estou participando do Concurso Cultural no site Vila Mulher! Me ajude a ganhar votando no meu trabalho.
Obrigada! :)
